
Vermont News Roundup: Bethel Voters OK Pot Retailers; New Dispo in St. Albans; Debate Over THC Caps

A maple tree being tapped for sap during the maple syrup season in Vermont.
Heady Vermont Staff 13 Mar 2023

Bethel Voters Approve Retail Cannabis; Brighton and Castleton Votes Fall Short

Residents in Bethel said yes to retail cannabis operations in town by ballot vote on Town Meeting Day on Tuesday, March 7. The article passed in Bethel 131-72.

A measure authorizing voters to allow cannabis retail operations in Brighton was rejected a second time. The article was defeated by a vote of 89 in favor and 150 opposed.

And in Castleton, for the third time voters for the third time have voted down allowing retail cannabis sales. Tuesday’s Town Meeting Day vote tally was 402 to 335, a margin of 67 votes. The first vote on the issue last March failed by 45 votes and a revote in April failed by just 15.

Brighton and Castleton are among more than a dozen towns in the state that have rejected retail sales.

— Compiled from WCAX, Vermont Public

New Vermont Dispensary Opens in St. Albans

Family-owned MothaPlant Dispensary opened in St. Albans’ Highgate Commons this past weekend!

Heady Events | Vermont Dispensaries

Legislative Update: Advocates, Opponents Debate Bill To Remove THC Limits on Concentrates

Introduced in the Vermont Senate last month by sponsors Sens. Richard Sears and Kesha Ram Hinsdale, bill S.72 would remove the current statutory limit of 60% THC for concentrates sold at Vermont dispensaries.

In a debate-filled committee hearing last week, Vermont CCB Chair James Pepper, Vermont Growers Association Geoffrey Pizzutillo and VTCNA founder Jessilyn Dolan testified in favor of the bill.

Testifying against the bill was consultant Jill Sudhoff-Guerin, from Maidstone Public Relations, speaking on behalf of the Vermont Medical Society.

— Via Williston Observer

Green River Cannabis Fined for Multiple License Violations

The Vermont Cannabis Control Board has fined Green River Cannabis, an indoor grower in Hyde Park, for multiple violations. Green River Cannabis was fined $5,000 for recordkeeping, product packaging and fungicide violations.

“There’s a long history of government really cracking down on folks involved in the legacy market. So, we’re really trying to build trust and work with people to bring them back up to compliance,” said board Outreach and Education Manager Nellie Marvel.

The News & Citizen newspaper in Morrisville reported last month that Maynard is planning to move his home-based business out of Hyde Park, after neighbors lodged complaints against him.

— Via VTDigger

Vermont Cannabis Sales Reached $5.7M in January

During the first month of 2023, cannabis retailers in Vermont sold over $5.7 million worth of products, according to a monthly revenue report released on Friday by the state’s Agency of Administration with new figures from the Vermont Department of Taxes.

The 14% cannabis excise tax, which must be applied to all adult use cannabis purchases at retailers, brought in $799,102 in the month of January alone. An additional 6% sales tax, which must also be leveraged on cannabis products, brought in another $342,472.

— Via Heady Vermont

Cannabis Retailers Launch Business Association

The Cannabis Retailers Association of Vermont launched a new business association this week.

The new group will focus exclusively on policies they believe are critical for their sustained success.

According to a news release, 21 states have established a legal market for cannabis in the United States. The Vermont group has identified several key policy issues they intend to focus on immediately.

“In many of these states, there have been difficulties in creating a sustainable cannabis market. The uncertainty has made it even more difficult for many independently owned-companies. The group will work with elected officials and regulators to help ensure the industry evolves in a way that supports small, Vermont-owned businesses in the state,” the release states.

The new association has 15 members from around Vermont.

— Via InvestorsObserver

National Dispensary Franchise Unity Rd. Signs Agreement for VT Retail Store

Unity Rd., a national cannabis dispensary franchise from Item 9 Labs Corp., announced last week the signing of an agreement that will bring a new cannabis establishment to Vermont.

Unity Rd. has partnered with a local entrepreneur, who will be its “first shop owner” in the Green Mountain State.

— Via Heady Vermont

Brattleboro Savings & Loan to Close All Cannabis Banking Accounts

Brattleboro Savings & Loan (BS&L) announced on March 1 that it is “withdrawing from offering banking services to Vermont’s cannabis industry.”

BS&L Executive Vice President COO/CFO Tom Martyn told Heady Vermont that despite the bank’s longstanding interest in serving the Vermont cannabis industry, federal regulations have made this “unfeasible.”

— Via Heady Vermont

Headies Cup: Enter Now – Homegrow + Adult Use Tracks DEADLINE MARCH 14 

Licensing Update: 14 License Applications Approved in February

The Vermont Cannabis Control Board approved 14 licensing applications at the end of February, including six retailers and one license renewal.

— Via Heady Vermont

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