Who Are The Members of the Vermont Cannabis Control Board Advisory Committee?
Board Members and Statutory Positions
(A) one member with an expertise in public health appointed by the Governor
Shayla Livingston, Director of Policy, Department of Mental Health
(B) the Secretary of Agriculture, Food and Markets or designee
Stephanie Smith, Cannabis Quality Control Policy Administrator, VAAFM
(C) one member with an expertise in laboratory science or toxicology appointed by the Governor
Kim Watson, Quality Assurance Manager, Stone Environmental (ret.)
(D) one member with an expertise in systemic social justice and equity issues appointed by the Speaker of the House
Nader Hasim, Paralegal & Investigator, Chadwick & Spensley, PLLC
(E) one member with an expertise in women- and minority-owned business ownership appointed by the Speaker of the House
Ashley Reynolds, President and Co-Founder, Elmore Mountain Therapeutics
(F) the Chair of the Substance Misuse Prevention Oversight and Advisory Council or designee
Mark Levine, Commissioner, Department of Health
(G) one member with an expertise in the cannabis industry appointed by the Senate Committee on Committees
Christopher Walsh, Director of Sales and Business Development, Terra Vera
(H) one member with an expertise in business management or regulatory compliance appointed by the Treasurer
Sivan Cotel, Chairman, Board of Directors, UVM Health Network – Porter Medical Center
(I) one member with an expertise in municipal issues appointed by the Senate Committee on Committees
Tim Wessel, Member and former Chair, Brattleboro Selectboard
(J) one member with an expertise in public safety appointed by the Attorney General
Ingrid Jonas, Major, Vermont State Police (ret.)
 (K) one member with an expertise in criminal justice reform appointed by the Attorney General
David Scherr, Co-Chair, Office of the Attorney General, Community Justice Division
(L) the Secretary of Natural Resources or designee
Billy Coster, Director of Planning, Agency of Natural Resources
(M) the Chair of the Cannabis for Symptom Relief Oversight Committee or designee
Jim Romanoff, Chair, Cannabis for Symptom Relief Oversight Committee
(N) one member appointed by the Vermont Cannabis Trade Association
Meg D’Elia, Corporate Project Manager, CeresMED
Advisory Committee Members and Sub-Committee Assignments
There are 14 members of the Cannabis Control Board’s advisory committee. Each advisory committee member is assigned to one or more sub-committee relating to specific issue areas. The sub-committees, the moderators, and their members, are:
Social Equity
NACB Moderators:
- Gina Kranwinkel
- Geoffrey Gallegos
Advisory Committee Members:
- Nader Hasim
- Ashley Reynolds
- TJ Donovan
In Consultation with:
Xusana Davis, Executive Director of Racial Equity, State of Vermont
Lindsay Kurrle, Secretary, Vermont Agency of Commerce & Community Development
Market Structure, Licensing, Taxes & Fees
VS Strategies Moderators:
- Dan Smith
- Jenn Flanagan
NACB Moderators
- Tom Nolasco
- Mark Gorman
- Geoffrey Gallegos
Advisory Committee Members:
- Sivan Cotel
- Stephanie Smith
- Chris Walsh
Public Health
NACB Moderators:
- Deneka Scott
- Mark Gorman
Advisory Committee Members:
- Tim Wessel
- Dr. Mark Levine
- Ingrid Jonas
NACB Moderators:
- Jacob Policzer, The Cannabis Conservancy
- Liam Gilbertson
Advisory Committee Members:
- Billy Coster
- Kim Watson
- Stephanie Smith
Compliance & Enforcement
NACB Moderators:
- Ashley Manning
- Mark Gorman
- Tom Nolasco
Advisory Committee Members
- Tim Wessel
- Ingrid Jonas
- Ashley Reynolds
- Cary Giguere
Medicinal Cannabis
NACB Moderators:
- Dr. Mary Clifton
- Tom Nolasco
Advisory Committee Members
- Jim Romanoff
- Meg D’Elia
- Dr. Mark Levine (or designee)
Product Safety & Lab Standards
CCB Moderated
Advisory Committee Members:
- Kim Watson
- Cary Giguere
Exploratory Committee
CCB Moderated
Advisory Committee Members:
- Nader Hasim
- TJ Donovan
- Jim Romanoff
- Meg D’Elia