Lyneisha Watson: An Intimate Relationship With Cannabis
We met cannabis journalist Lyneisha Watson when she contacted us after we shared a piece of hers on Miss Grass, It’s Time To Stop Ignoring The Problem With Cannabis, which articulates her frustration with the fact that, as she states, “The cannabis industry benefits from the disenfranchisement of minority voices.”
Watson goes on to share details like the fact that Florida’s hemp bill “prohibits anyone convicted of a drug felony within the last 10 years from participating” and the resistance in Missouri to creating social equity programs “to give women and minorities access to the market, which creates more space for big, white-owned, corporate companies to dominate the states medical marijuana market.”
Eager to hear more about her perspective and personal experience, we caught up with Watson on Zoom, where she talked about her multifaceted personal relationship with cannabis, and the challenges she’s faced trying to break into cannabis journalism.