New England

Editor’s Note

When Heady Vermont launched three years ago, – with a tiny blog and one free public event – it was with a recognition of the clear interest and enthusiasm in […]

Heady Vermont Staff 17 Jul 2019

When Heady Vermont launched three years ago, – with a tiny blog and one free public event – it was with a recognition of the clear interest and enthusiasm in making an adult use cannabis market happen in Vermont, and doing it in a way that benefited the average Vermonter. We also saw that there was a lack of dedicated events and media, and that the cannabis community needed a platform around which people could gather.

This Guide, too, started out in a similarly demure fashion, with an intent to provide both locals and tourists with a clear entry point into the world of Vermont cannabis, but it quickly expanded to encompass the whole region. While a thoroughly comprehensive description of what New England would require many more pages, we hope that we’ve been able to offer up here is a taste, a feel, nay, a terpene-infused whiff of what the adventurous cannabis voyager might discover in a landscape that’s both ancient and ever-evolving.

Ultimately, our intention – both in Vermont and around New England – is to help build and support a cohesive regional coalition dedicated to cannabis reform based in equity and justice, and to promote locally, lovingly, organically produced craft products to weed enthusiasts everywhere. Thank you for joining us on this epic journey.

Happy travels!
Monica Donovan and Kathy Blume

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