
Dustin Tanner – Vermont Senate, Franklin

I would like to work with experts and use Colorado’s model in Vermont. I am a full support of a Tax and Regulate system and would like to sponsor the bill.

Heady Vermont Staff 4 Aug 2018

What, in your mind, is the ideal structure for a functional legal Tax and Regulate system? How would you work with other branches of government to create this kind of system? I would like to work with experts and use Colorado’s model in Vermont. I am a full support of a Tax and Regulate system and would like to sponsor the bill.
How would you assess Vermont’s current medical marijuana program? How will you ensure that registered medical patients and caregivers have access to an abundance of high-quality cannabis products priced at or below market rates?
I would say that we need more access for the current program, open up more places to access medical cannabis and make it easier to get a card.
How will you ensure that people who’ve been disproportionately affected by prohibition (such as convicts and People Of Color) will have an equal opportunity to participate in Vermont’s legal cannabis industry? In particular, how will you work for statewide expungement of convictions for possession?
I would push for expungement of pervious cannabis convictions. I would also make it so those folks could open a business and have an equal playing field with everyone else.
How will you make sure that all Vermonters have equal access to joining the legal cannabis industry as small and startup businesses?
By making the cost to fill out permits a fair accessible cost, also by providing financial help to those with the right vision
Do you think state can sustain both a medical and a recreational program – or would you combine cannabis regulations into one system?
Yes I do think they could work together.
If tax-and-regulate is passed, how would you prefer to allocate cannabis revenues? To the general fund or to specific causes? If specific, please share any proposals.
I would use it for lake cleanup and education.
Would you allow Vermont towns to enact temporary moratoriums or outright bans on legal cannabis businesses?

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