
New Federal Data Shows Teen Cannabis Use DECREASING Since Legalization in Colorado, Washington, and D.C.

#FactsNotFears - Teen Use DOWN
Heady Vermont Staff 12 Dec 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C., – Based on recently-released federal survey data, Washington Post Reporter Christopher Ingraham posted an analysis and clear visual aid that definitively shows that since legalization in Colorado, teenage cannabis use rates have decreased, not increased.

Tom Angell, Founder and Editor of Marijuana Moment, went even further and analyzed the data from multiple states, which showed that the percentage of 12-17 year olds who used marijuana in the last month had also decreased in Washington and the District of Columbia since legalization in their respective states..

The results are clear: legalization does not lead to an increase in adolescent and teenage cannabis use. In fact, legalized cannabis contributes funding to to substance abuse prevention programs, college scholarships, and are literally building new schools in Colorado. Thanks to those who shared this on social media, including Trevor, Nick, and on twitter: @DaveSilberman Senator Chris Pearson (P/D – Chittenden) @SenatorCP and Lieutenant Governor @DaveZuckermanVT

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#FactsNotFears – Teen Use DOWN


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